After I finished school , I went on film making courses around England and production work experiences at places such as ‘NEP’. This felt like a good appetiser but my hunger grew even further to do bigger things, professionally, which took me to a full-time diploma course for Film Making at ‘Brighton Film School’. Here I experienced every role in film making, production, camera work and worked on different genres of film. This was a broad and superb foundation for all the film, video and photographic work that I’ve done since.
Bit of Background
Before I got into filming making and photography my family and I were always travelling. Every year we would go somewhere new, adventure into the unknown and experience as much as we could - we still do today! Seeing places for the first time is incredible, capturing it on camera was a way to make the memory last forever, and this is where my interest began. Fortunately my school had a photography class which I joined in and experienced new ways of editing and camera work.
My dad is also heavily into photography, he worked for Kodak for 20 years and any event he/we did, he took his camera and captured everything from start to finish. His enthusiasm passed down to me. He also got me into film making as we would film home videos, events and our travels, which only grew my curiosity into the filming world even further.
In my teens I wanted to experience and understand what it’s like to be on set and in front of the camera. My interest then involved acting. Each weekend I attended ‘Redroofs Theatre School’ which led to auditions and participation in ads, tv series and movies. The biggest production I was lucky to be apart of, was the 6th Harry Potter film as an extra. Being on screen was fun, but during my time spent on set, my interest only grew stronger for what was happening behind the scenes and how the crew managed to create something amazing from the ground up.